Welcome to the 3 day Menopause Makeover

The FREE 3 day online Challenge that teaches women My 3 Step Formula to Weight Loss in Menopause

Sign up for this FREE 3 Day Online Challenge starts 20th March 2024

Who is this Challenge for?

If you are a professional woman going through menopause and...

...you struggle to lose weight and you are dealing with the symptoms that impact your work and life, this is for you!

In this free program, I will share my 3-step simple method to help you lose weight!

You'll learn about the common beliefs that hold many women back from getting healthier and fitter and how to overcome them!

Join me, FREE today

Whats Covered?

Over the 3 days I will be going live for 35 - 40 minutes each day with a new topic.

Every day builds on each other so many sure you block the time in your calendar.

Day 1

Foundation of Weight Loss Formula.

Gain insights into the secrets of successful weight loss to decode your unique path to sustainable habits.

Day 2

Exposing the Keys to Lifestyle Change.

Explore transformative habits to routines that foster weight loss. Learn how to ignite lasting change in your daily life

Day 3

Sustainable Weight Management Strategies

Unlock the secrets to success. Explore proven principles for managing weight during menopause and beyond.

Join me by filling in your name and email the click submit


You’ll be part of an incredibly supportive, interactive group of likeminded women all striving to live healthier happier lives. I will be with you through the whole process to support you.

I’ve created a workbook that will become an invaluable resource long after the challenge ends.

This is where you can complete your tasks with some bonuses!

On the final day we will celebrate you and all your effort and deliver the last training. This is where we wrap it all up and give you taking your final steps with me or continuing your journey with my service.

Join me by filling in your name and email then click submit

If you don't already know me! Hi I'm Jackie 👋🏿

I've spent over a decade navigating menopause, fitness, mindset and nutrition.

The most important thing in our lives is to know that we are in the best health especially when it comes to transistioning through menopause.

Finding our own unique path to the best health can be hard

There is so much information out there about the right way to get there.

I created this challenge for YOU to begin your journey, as I know you have a busy life and it can be hard to build in time for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm not tech savvy, does that matter

No not at all. The workshops are delivered in a my Facebook group. You will also recieve an email daily

How are the workshops delivered

Once you sign up, you will asked to join the facebook group where all the workshops will be delivered..

Will this programme fit into my busy/work life schedule?

Of course! The course has been designed to fit into the busiest of lifestyles. Live is delivered at 5pm every afternoon and you can watch whenever you get time thoughout the day. The videos are between 20 - 25 minutes..

I don't feel I have the motivation for this programme?

.We hear this a lot and there are two things I’d like to say…
Firstly, one of the biggest causes of giving up is over-complicating things with unrealistic timeframes.

These workshop has been uniquely designed to avoid this. Instead, we focus on creating momentum by implementing small, achievable changes, to ensure you meet your goals.

This means that at the end of the workshops you’ll have taken your first step and created a ton of momentum.

Secondly, we often get in our own way with limiting and false beliefs! If it’s these that are holding you back, we’re here to help! These workshops will teach you how to detangle unhelpful and demotivating beliefs. This will leave you confident, excited and MOTIVATED for the journey to come.

I'm here to let you know you already have all the tools you need to be healthier, happier and stronger

This 3 day FREE Menopause Makeover is simple. It will unravel all those limiting beliefs that are holding us back and gives you the knowledge, tools and power to follow through like you've never done before.

We'd love you to join our collective.

Join us for the Menopause Makeover here?



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